Dear family and friends,

First we wish each of you a blessed Easter time, as we remember what the Lord endured for each of us and then the triumph of His resurrection.  We were very encouraged as hundreds came to the Lord or recommitted their lives through evangelistic campaigns over the Christmas season.  What has been even more encouraging is the many young evangelists that have given of their lives to try and meet the much needed follow-up as all to often these young lives are lost again from a lack the much needed nurture of these young souls.  As always we covet your prayers for these young souls but also for the 30 some young evangelists that have left home and committed to the task of nurturing them in spite of difficult situations and the lack of finances.  These are the things that keep us going in the face of fatigue, discouragement, and emotional stress.

That brings us to yet another marker in our lives.  We covet your prayers for the family as Kathy’s step-dad Tom Nairn, took a sudden heart attack a couple of weeks ago and this past Thursday went to meet his Lord.  After struggling and hanging on for almost a week after the final prognosis, some visiting friends prayed that the Lord would show his mercy and take Him home.  Within the hour it was evident the end was near and before the day came to a close he was resting peacefully in the Lord’s arms.  The funeral will be held this Thursday the 21th at Rosebank, our home church.  As with my mum I have posted the details on Facebook.  It was a pleasure to be present for his baptism almost a year ago and to watch him grow in the knowledge and truth of the Lord.  Though it is nice to be home when parents pass, 4 in 18months is a little much… in my opinion.  Thanks in advance for your prayers.  Kathy continues to teach her nephew and also has completed her TESOL training.  I have also been helping a recently widowed mum with the renovation of her home for some needed income.  We praise God for his enabling through difficult times.

So…now what?  Well we are now looking to the end of our home assignment and the many things that still lay before us.  We would still like to see many of you before we leave… when is that?  At this time we are looking to the end of August or early September.
So what is on our plate till then:

  • Further medical testing, to prevent issues that could complicate our upcoming term of service.
  • Trip to Chad for Vision and Strategy meetings, last week of June.
    Pray for needed funds as this is outside of our budgeted expenses. These meetings are very important in that they will shape and define our future ministries in Chad.  All field staff are asked to be there if at all possible as all ministries are being examined as we seek how to most effectively serve the Lord and meet His goals. We praise the Lord has already met half the cost of my ticket.
  • We plan to make a trip to the west coast this summer to visit my brother and some good friends and supporters along the way.  Pray for safety and renewal of relationships.
  • Caring for any medical issues, pray that time will be sufficient and for doctor’s wisdom to permit them to be properly cared for.
  • Training seminar in Michigan first week of August.  One of the goals of home assignment is re-equipping and this seminar’s goal is to make us more effective in our ministry.
  • Packing and flying.  This involves so much.

We will be leaving all of our children here at home this time so this will be a huge adjustment for all of us but especially for Kathy as mum and for Jessica as this is the first time for her.  We praise God that Jessica is adjusting well and has enjoyed her “victory lap” at high school.  She seems to be settling on massage and therapy as a career choice but feels that at least a semester of Bible  would be a good prerequisite.   She also has a heart sensitive for missions… (where did that come from )  Pray that God will lead her as she seeks His guidance.  Both Dan and Stephen are nearing graduation as well.  After graduation Stephen plans to remain in the field of web programming for the near future and Daniel is looking to how God will use him in the counselling field.  He and his girlfriend Christine would also covet your prayers as they mould their relationship together.

Looking forward, there have been many issues that will change the dynamics of our ministry.  Many of our national staff have been suspended due to thefts that remain unresolved.  Many of our co-workers who have “held the fort” while we have been home will now be on home assignment during our first year while we “hold the fort”.  And finally not the least of which is the fact that our support is significantly short.  Pray that the required support will come in to permit us to return to the field.

Though this time home has been a mix of emotional strain, we have also had some times of refreshment.  We are now focusing on the tasks that lie ahead and looking to the Lord that supplies peace that passes all understanding.  We have committed our lives to be used of God and not in our strength but by His supply and He has always met our needs.  It is at this time of the year that we remember all that He gave for us.  What we offer back is insignificant in comparison.  Praise and Honour be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

May God enrich His presence in your life this Easter season,
Paul & Kathryn

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