Dear Family and Friends,
We wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. It has been some time since I have written so I will try to catch you up, as much has transpired. During the late summer we attended a workshop in which I discovered that much of what I was experiencing was the result of much stress and our energies being overspent. This combined with the passing of numerous close family members in recent history has resulted in the renewing of our energies taking much longer than usual. We often felt like people of my dad’s generation did when they stated, “my get up and go has got up and went.” We now feel that we are more ready to take on the tasks that lie ahead. Part of which has caused re-energizing to take longer is that our home assignment was interrupted by two trips back to Chad for tasks that required my presence.
Back in June I reported to you that I was going to Chad for a “Vision Retreat”. This was a very profitable time for many reasons. There was considerable scepticism as to the ultimate purpose of this gathering, however this was quickly dispelled. We became united in our purpose to seek God’s overarching direction for us as missionaries in Chad. Our gathering consisted not only of TEAM missionaries, but also representatives of several partner organizations alongside whom we work. As we spent time in prayer and discussed past ministries, current efforts, and future opportunities it became apparent there were several common directions God was leading us in. After the distilling of these ideas and themes, the recent field conference has determined a vision statement that conveys the direction for ministries in Chad.
“Longing for the light of the Good News to dispel darkness in all corners of the land, TEAM Chad will work hand in hand with national and expatriate believers in order to establish enduring, reproducing, indigenous communities of incarnational, light bearing disciples wherever darkness remains.”
This time was also a good time to reconnect and renew my focus on the work to be done in Chad. One small downside was that I forgot my anti-malarials at home and recently suffered the consequences, but that is now in the past. Also about this time, Kathy completed an ESL certification course that will help her be more effective as she molds a curriculum to suit the level and needs of the Chadians in our area, while providing them with firm foundations in Biblical knowledge.
In early August we attended a workshop on interpersonal skills being offered by Send International in Michigan. It was a good week meeting with new people in like ministry, and should enable us to be more effective in our future ministry. One morning, while there, our son Daniel texted me to state that he was proposing. By the time we got home they had set the date for their wedding, October 22nd. Knowing we wanted to be present they felt it would be expedient to try and tie things up, before we got a chance to get away— since then they would have to wait a possible 3 years. Upon arriving home we re-packed and headed west… all the way, to Vancouver Island, visiting friends and co-workers we have not seen in years. The missionary family is a blessing and very unique in that one of the fellow MKs we visited I had not seen since I was likely about 9 years old, yet we had so much in common and catching up to do. We would have liked to spend more time but alas we were stretching things as it was.
Much of September and October were spent getting ready for the wedding and on the 22nd we celebrated with them, in a joyous Christ honouring wedding. I had the privilege of taking a small part in ceremony with the braiding of the 3 stranded cord signifying the bond and strength of the Lord being woven into the union of Daniel and Christine. You can see the pictures online by clicking on their names or going to Christine is a fine young christian that Daniel met while at bible college. We covet your prayers as they begin their lives together and seek the Lord’s leading. Daniel is still interested in the counselling field but is also leaning towards a pastoral position. September also was the beginning of bible college for Jessica and the final year of computer studies for Stephen. We also covet your prayers for them as they seek God’s direction for their careers and lives.
Now to the future. We look forward to what God has in store for us in this next term of service. At present there are few on the field and they are looking to our immanent return as they are overwhelmed with the many tasks at hand. Unfortunately we have not been able to return due to insufficient support. With the death of several supporters and the recent huge leaps in the Chadian economy, at one point we were $1400 below the minimum support requirements. We are happy to report that with several of you, including our home church, picking up new or increased financial support, that amount has been cut in half. We still have some undetermined amounts that have been promised but we will not receive clearance to leave until we have at least the minimum pledged. Please pray with us that we will receive confirmation of sufficient support to meet at least the minimum requirements early in January. As you are aware, our living allowance is less than half of our financial requirements. Though we are some $3000 short of full support we have cut not only our allowance to the bare minimum but also funds for our ministry. We covet your prayers that we will have enough to be effective in our ministry because our goal is not to go there just to live but to share the Gospel and facilitate the efforts of the others in Chad doing the same. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially we are including a link that will enable you to do so through pre-approved donations directly from your bank. You can download the form by entering in your browser, which contains the instructions or by phoning TEAM Canada at 800-295-4160. We cannot purchase tickets until we get confirmation after which will take time to procure them at a reasonable price, rent our room in the house and sell our car. Above all we cannot remain or be effective without the regular prayers of each of you so we would covet your prayers for each of these details. God has already allowed us to see a glimpse of what He may do and we are excited as we await the revelation of His plan for our return in His good timing. Though this particular return will be a new and likely difficult experience as we leave all of our children behind for the first time, we are confident that our loving Father will supply for us and keep them in His sovereign hand. We praise Him that they each love the Lord and are seeking to follow Him.
May God bless each of you at this most blessed season when we celebrate God sending his most precious gift for the salvation of mankind and for the part each of you plays in our life and ministry. We trust our next letter will be in the midst of packing or from the plane.
Merry Christmas
Paul and Kathryn Weber
Here is a note from one of our co-workers, other notes can be found at from our co-workers
Lorraine Green: Paul can fix most anything: vehicles, houses, plumbing, solar equipment, computers, etc.  Kathy has been our MK teacher.  She also uses biblical texts to teach English as a second language to Chadians, and helps with the guest house ministry at Koutou/Moundou.  Paul and Kathy’s work in a support role serves the whole team and allows their colleagues to stay on task.
I have benefited many times from Paul’s ministry of helps. Â He fixed my vehicle several times, repaired my toilet, trimmed trees on my station, and performed numerous other tasks. Â I’m glad to have them on our team and hope to see them back in Chad soon. Â Thank you for your part in supporting them, and our whole team, in Chad.
15:30, 28.05.2012
hi, this is my first visit to this blog, i like your writing style. i’m very interested in your posts, please keep up the good work!