Archive of category "Newsletter"
Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings from cooler Canada. We trust each of you have had memorable times of celebration over the past few weeks, whether with family or simply celebrating God’s gift to us in his son and his faithfulness through the past year. Like you, we look forward with anticipation to what he will do this coming year.
In family news we’ve had good times with family. In the summer we were able to get up to see Dan and Christine a couple of times, once joined by Stephen and Lisette. It was good to spend some time with the grandkids all together. We also had the privilege of participating in a benefit concert that Daniel organized with local musicians. We thank God that both Daniel and Christine have found employment connected with the local post office. We also rejoice in the arrival of 2 new grandchildren. In November, Jessica and Rory were blessed with the arrival of Ethan Azurone who is healthy and growing like a weed. In December Stephen and Lisette were blessed with the arrival of Podryn Stephen.
We are so grateful to be able to be home to welcome these little ones into the family. Due to the postal busyness at holiday time Daniel and family were not able to be with us but we were able to share some time via video. The rest of us were able to share time together over the holidays.
While home assignment is a time for renewing and revitalising one’s spirit and mind, I have experienced a rather long time of adjustment. Pray that I will sense a renewing of the spirit. Kathryn has continued her online research and studies for her educational ministries. We have been able to tackle our medical screening but still have a ways to go. Seems Kathryn has had some gastric issues that have been building over time that will take some time to sort out. Pray that we will be able to sort out some solutions to this and other lingering issues. We also plan on doing some travel to visit some of you and even make it to the west coast Lord willing as we have not seen you for quite some time.
Before leaving Chad I was able to install a dozen microcomputers at FATEK, a project that has been in the works for a couple of years to equip this new training facility for the EET. It includes a small solar system that should not only supply the computers but also give some light in the library in the evenings. In our last letter we mentioned the ongoing “Library in a Box” project to encourage some of the local christian schools as well as a solar project for the well on our mission station that we would like to convert this coming term. While we mentioned our need for an increased $500/month we were hoping to raise for changes in ministry, we since received notice that a legacy supplying $1200/mo would be ending sometime spring of 2020. While we are so grateful for this supply over the past 20 years, this also presented us with what seemed to be a very daunting task. As always God is faithful, we have already seen his hand at work, with our home church pledging an increase for the new year, 2 new supporters and a generous one-time gift towards our support needs. We thank each of you who so faithfully give and pray for us and the ministry. Please pray with us as we seek God’s direction to meet the remaining $400/month.
Pressing on, we are planning our return to Chad this coming July. We are hoping that a young lady preparing for ministry will join Kathryn in her ministries. We are trusting this will make Kathryn’s ministries less overwhelming with the possibility of widening the schools/teachers ministered to. I will continue to provide maintenance and logistical help to the mission and
20+ years! We thank each and every one that has shared with us in this ministry for the kingdom.
Paul & Kathryn Weber