Archive of category "Newsletter"
Dear Family and friends,
It’s that time again. One week today we will be “wheels up” bound for the sunny south… no, not Florida or Texas, but back to Chad. Boy has time flown and so much transpired. We are thankful to our gracious God for a good furlough full of good times with family and to each of you for your ongoing faithful financial and prayer support. You are truly our partners in building the kingdom of our Lord. As always there is so much more we would have liked to have done or accomplished but most of our goals have been reached and for that we are grateful.
This past year has seen many milestones in our family. We arrived home to the wedding of Jessica to Rory Carrington. This past year has seen them grow in their relationship as a couple as well as with the Lord. They continue to work towards the completion of Rory’s training at Emmanuel Bible College here in town with plans for youth ministries in the future. Jessica currently works full-time serving great Canadian coffee while Rory drives school bus and studies part time. Pray that God would guide and provide for them as they seek His will for their lives.
Stephen and Lisette were married this April and will be living in our house. It was a gorgeous day in spite of being April in Canada, with the Lord being honoured throughout. They enjoyed a few weeks in Europe for their honeymoon and are now back to their work. Lisette works at a museum in a neighbouring town while Stephen continues to work in the computer industry. They both love the Lord and are involved at our home church, Rosebank. It has been great to be able to be home for these milestone events in our family as well as time to get to know the new additions. Pray that God will continue to build their relationships in Him.
Speaking of new additions we welcomed Daniel and Christine’s second child a couple of months ago. Elim Daniel is a healthy go getter and his sister Rylynn just loves him to death… except maybe while having to share grandma. We had the privilege of staying with them a couple of times and enjoyed family time while loving grand-kids, digging out foundations and fixing roofs. Daniel continues to pastor the church in Kirkland Lake which, while small, he finds to be a rewarding ministry. He is currently preaching though the book “The Story” and if you are interested you can find his messages online at Pray that God would work mightily in that mining town and guide them as they raise their growing family.
Kathryn has continued to work on her Master’s courses. She has enjoyed them and done reasonably well though they have been a lot of work. As we head back to Chad we would ask that you pray for wisdom and balance. She would like to continue with her courses and has already registered for her fourth course. With the new teacher’s workshops she began before leaving, the existing ESL ministry that she loves, and the guest house; time will be at a premium. If we don’t get someone to help with one or more of these ministries, something will have to get cut/reduced. Please pray for clear insight, learning, balance, and that the Lord would burden someone to come and assist in these ministries. Pray too as she recently injured her knee, developing a “baker’s cyst” which we are told may be a recurring problem. She is walking with only a brace today but last week was spent mostly on crutches.
I spent much of my time this past year picking up a number of responsibilities around the house while Kathryn studied as well as the usual list of maintenance things that needed to be looked after in preparation for our absence. I also went with a team from our church back to Chad in January to help with the building project in the capital. We installed the windows and ran most of the electrical system and ducting for the cooling units. We had a good time and accomplished most of what we set out to do. There were a number of instances where God orchestrated timing to facilitate the work. The most memorable being, running our of bits we needed on the second day of the job. With God’s help we made the last one work until more were brought by a returning missionary who picked some up for us on his way to the airport and delivered them to us 48hrs later.
Upcoming projects will include some finishing tasks on the building project including the moving of the networked equipment into the new office. There is also parts that have arrived for the final stage to the Print Shop solar installation while I am sure there is a number of maintenance issues that have come up during our absence.
It has been good to be home to get some time of refreshment and renewal and we look forward to what the Lord has in store for us for the coming 3yr term. Though we continue to be some $600/mo short on our monthly support, we are able to go as we have a balance in our accounts through one-time gifts that should meet our needs for the first year of our term. Pray that God would continue to supply that we can remain on the field for the duration of this term of service. We covet your prayers for health and safety, wisdom and strength for the task, and also as we leave family behind. There are many situations we wish we were not leaving behind but must trust God to meet each need in accordance to His will.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Without you, our partners, we would not be able to go. May God abundantly bless you.
Paul and Kathryn
Our new prayer card is available at
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