Archive of category "Newsletter"

Dear Family and Friends:

This year has been a very busy year full of changes.  Each year of service comes with its set of challenges for which this past year has not been lacking.  God has been faithful in bringing us through these and meeting our needs.  We thank you for your faithful prayers and support and wish each of you God’s presence and peace during this Christmas season.

We finished our 4th term earlier this year which saw closure to a number of projects that have been in process over a number of years.  The most exciting of which was the completion of a large solar project for the Koutou Print Shop.  This not only makes for less financial expense in producing literature for the local church but also reduced dependency on diesel for generating electricity. This past year also saw the beginning of the construction of the new missionary support centre at our property in NDjamena.  This property is vital in serving not only TEAM missionaries but many other missions as people come and go from the country.  I continued to order and track many of the supplies for the project throughout the year.  We thank God that the container with these supplies recently arrived in Chad and have been unloaded and readied for use.  The main structure is now up and the roof reaching completion in the next few weeks.  Lord willing I will we returning to Chad Jan2nd for a couple of weeks with a small team to install the windows and wire the building.  Please pray for safety both in travel and on the job and that we will accomplish these tasks and any others that need to be done during our time there.

Kathryn will hold down the fort while I am in Chad with the building team.  She continues to work on courses towards her masters.  Kathryn has completed her first course and is currently working on the second.  She anticipates finishing her third course before we return to the field this coming summer.  These courses are focused on biblical world view and integration into the classroom.  These will be of great advantage as she passes them on to the Christian teachers in Chad.  Even while we have been home we have heard back from teachers in Chad who are anticipating further opportunities to learn how to effectively transfer truths to their students.  We are still not sure how far this new ministry will develop so we covet your prayers on how much to engage in this and balance it with existing ministries that are already full-time.  It would be wonderful if God would lead someone to take on or partner in some of these ministries.

We were delighted this summer to be home for the marriage of our daughter Jessica to Rory Carrington.  It was a great day and they continue to grow in their relationship and very involved in their local church.  While home we have also been very involved in numerous family situations that consumed much of our time and emotions.  We are grateful to be home during some of these key situations in their lives.  Our son Stephen recently announced his engagement to Lisette Compton and their anticipated marriage this coming April.  We are thankful for yet another partner for our children that loves the Lord.  Their plan is to live in and look after the Weber home during our absence for our upcoming term of service.  So I continue to catch up on repairs and renovations on our home.  Daniel and Christine are expecting their second child later in the spring.  Pray for a good pregnancy for this new life God has given them.   It has been a delight to have time with family both close and extended.

Chad continues to be affected by the efforts of terror organizations with several incidences in the past few months.  This means security is high and freedoms are reduced but the local government has been effective in minimizing these. We covet your prayers for the local population and those working in vulnerable areas.  We once again thank you for your ongoing support and prayers and hope to see as many of you as we can while home.  If you have a time you would like us to drop by or come and present our work and ministry to your church or group please contact us.  Our home number remains 519-745-4545.  May God continue to use and bless each of you and may his peace and riches be yours throughout this coming year.

Merry Christmas,
Paul and Kathryn Weber