Archive of category "Newsletter"
Dear family and friends,
Wow, its amazing how time flies when… you are extremely busy! It has been a huge job trying to get caught up along with the day to day needs that come along. Many of the things that were unfinished when we left were in the same state upon arrival. Other needs had arisen during our absence to add to the work load, that combined with the gap of coworkers leaving prior to arrival caused numerous things to ‘fall through the cracks’ or simply go without being properly maintained. Upon arrival we discovered that the print shop had been unable to fold any materials for a least 2 weeks, thus blocking production significantly. Since then several machines have needed my attention in order to keep things functioning. I have had to ‘park’ one of the generators temporarily till I have time to clean the cooling system as it was still being used while in danger of overheating and causing expensive repairs. Plumbing and electrical repairs were also numerous the most perplexing of which was the ‘electric shower’ in the guest house that was not so appreciated. While investigating this and feeling challenged by the heat of the metal roof less than 20cm from my back I was privileged to temporarily share the experience with a very beautiful civet which had decided it was the perfect location to spend the day till I disturbed him.
Leaving Canada in February to arrive in Chad at the beginning of hot season is not the best of plans we could have made but the plans were not ours and He knew when we were ready and needed back. The daytime temps quickly soared and we had 2 weeks of daytime highs of 47C in the shade and lows not below 30C. Kathryn’ s heat rash etc soon was a daily challenge but the Lord was gracious not only to us but to His people here in Chad. The rains here in the south began relatively early in May and have been more generous than in recent years, allowing people to prepare their fields and most have their planting done. It has been good to get back to the Lord’s work here in Chad. Though our numbers are few the work has not diminished. As a field we are continuing to look at new areas or opportunities for ministry here in Chad. The dynamics of the country continue to change. The M population here in the south continues to grow and there is an urgent need for them to be reached with the good news. Some of the areas that previous generations of missionaries were driven from are opening back up with renewed need for evangelism. There are also new areas that are currently open in very remote pioneer type settings where the people have been devastated by the ravages of civil and ethnic unrest. People that need to hear there is a saviour that loves and cares for them. One of our co-agencies here in Chad even has a training centre in the middle of an town but has no staff to teach English or computers as a means to build relationships for the kingdom. We covet your prayers for those who will answer God’s call to serve Him in the harvest fields.
As we arrived in the middle of a school year it was not practical for Kathryn to begin teaching a new level of English and due to our long absence she thought it best to do a refresher course for the students she had taught before. It was with some surprise after all we had heard that she had only 13 students show up on registration day. This all changed when 26 showed up at her first class! Over the next week or so others kept wanting to join and she finally had the nerve to say enough at 29 and broke them into 2 separate classes. She is now teaching 2 classes twice a week and enjoying not only using the Jesus Film as a base for the review but also the depth of some of the questions some of the students are asking; like ‘what was the significance of the curtain in the temple ripping in two’. What opportunities to share of God’ s grace and truth. Most of the students this time are younger adults and very inquisitive. Some questions are more difficult to answer like ‘why didn’t Jesus close his eyes to pray in the video’? Why do we? What would you say? It is such a wonderful opportunity to share and disciple them while exposing others to His word trusting the Lord to cause the seed sprout in the lives of those who still do not know him personally. Kathryn is planning, Lord willing, to teach 2 levels of English in the fall which will likely require 5 days of teaching and all the planning that will be involved in developing the material for the next level. We are thankful that she has been able to find some new resources that will help her in this task.
Kathryn and I have also taken on the task of caring for the guest house here at Koutou. This has not been a huge job but does add to the other tasks already on our plate. As you might remember we built an addition to double its capacity last term but many of the fixtures arrived after our departure so I have been working on the completion of the 2 new rooms. One of the more difficult tasks was moving the receptacle for the toilet 3 inches in solid concrete due to a construction error.
We also asked you to pray as this term would be our first as ’empty nesters’ Thank you for your prayers. We have heard from our kids on occasion and they seem to be doing fine. Though not easy, the initial separation always requires some adjustment and God is walking with each of us and we must continue to look to Him for our strength. Stephen has finished university and God has granted him a good job he enjoys with a ‘start-up’ computer company. Daniel and Christine continue to learn and grow in their new lives together, seeking God’s will for their future. Pray as they consider a position at a church in northern Ontario. Jessica also continues to seek God’s will for her future and is taking one step at a time… while sometimes trying to take two. Pray with her as she hopes to do a second year of bible school followed next summer by a mission’s trip to Spain.
As missionaries we must always remain flexible not knowing what tomorrow will bring. One of the curves recently thrown at us is a need for me to be a part of a mission wide meeting TEAM is holding in the US this summer. It is to be held the second week of July and I plan to be at home the first week so as to visit with the kids and gather some supplies. It would be most advantageous for Kathryn to join me on this trip. We would be very blessed for the Lord to make this feasible for us. As part of the Chad field leadership I would appreciate your prayers for the Lord’s wisdom in the many situations and decisions that I am a part of. While exciting to see so many possibilities for ministry it is also concerning seeing the huge need for workers. Pray that the Lord of the harvest would engage those young and old who would be willing to serve.
Thanks again for your prayers and support,
in His service,
Paul & Kathryn