Archive of category "Newsletter"

God gets the glory when He works for us and through us in situations that are impossible to us.  We are pleased to report that the Lord had supplied our needs in that we have the basic required support either in place or pledged that has enabled us to purchase tickets to return to Chad on Feb. 18th.  We are thankful for the recent swell of support that has come from the generosity of many of you as an indication from the Lord that this is His timing for us to return to Chad.  Though we do not have “full” support we go in faith trusting God to supply our needs.  He has always proven faithful and much of our recent increase in support has come in ways that were obviously orchestrated by God himself.  As believers we are all called for a purpose that was long ago determined by God. The Bible tells us that God knows all things, from the beginning to the end, and is in control over everything that happens. We are often reminded that God’s ways are not our ways and that His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Though we have at times wonder why we have not been able to return until now. We are aware of many benefits of  being home during the past 18months but His reasons are unknown to us and we simply accept the Lord’s timing as what is best for us and His glory.

We covet your prayers for this next term for while our hearts are anxious to return to the work He has called us to our emotions are mixed.  Missionaries’ feelings are often mixed because while we are confident of God’s call on our lives and the work is rewarding, leaving family behind is always one of the more difficult challenges.  This time we not only leave friends, siblings and parents behind, we leave all of our children behind.  We are grateful to God for the strong faith each of them possesses and are confident of God’s protection.  Pray that the Lord will guide each of them into the plans He as laid out for their lives.

We also covet your prayers for the country of Chad.  Developing countries are always struggling with power and stability and Chad is no different. Recent situations include the first local elections ever held which though not connected, has been followed by a country wide shortage in diesel fuel.  Though we have not heard of any unrest we pray that peace would reign and that His word would continue to penetrate the hearts of the lost.  A recent film produce in conjunction with local church is being used to reveal the darkness that has so long entrapped many of the animistic tribes in the south.  If you are interested in watching this film, it has been posted on the internet with english subtitles. It is not a film produced for entertainment but rather to reveal the darkness found in local initiation practices which have been shrouded in secrecy.  This secrecy has entrapped many generations but with your prayers and God’s help these chains can be broken.  Copies of this film are to be distributed at this year’s general conference.  Pray for its distribution and that it will be well used in breaking the chains of darkness.

Finally as we return to Chad pray that we be empowered for the work that lies ahead of us.  Being away for this long only means that there will be much work awaiting our arrival.  Pray for wisdom, strength and effectiveness in ministry as we seek to meet the practical needs of His servants serving in Chad.  May God enable and bless you as you partner with us in our ministry as the Lord enables each of us to the work he has called us to.  We are anticipating a 3yr term this time.  Many of you have been mailed a copy of our new photo card.  If you do not receive one in the next few weeks or wish to make extra copies you can download a copy by clicking on the “Photo Card” tab on our website.

With gratitude to you and glory to God,
Paul and Kathryn