Archive of category "Newsletter"
Home Again
Dear Family and Friends,
Thanks for your continual prayers. We have been very busy these last days. Normally one shuts down most ministries several weeks before departure to help packing and transition. This time however we are cutting things very close as we are coming home somewhat ahead of schedule.   I only handed over my responsibility this Wednesday and Kathryn hosted the graduation of her English students on Thursday… Yes we began packing before this but it was amidst our regular work. This is the reason for our tardy update… it is 10pm here and the bags are mostly packed, we leave tomorrow (Saturday) for the capital to catch our flight home Sunday midnight. We have a layover in London England this time due to connections and cheap flights, so will not be arriving home till Tuesday pm. Please pray that the ash clouds from Iceland to not impair our trip as they have many flights in recent days as Jessica has a wedding to partake in on Saturday the 29th.
Another request is that you pray for Jessica as she is leaving “home” to come “home” . This is a common struggle for MKs. She has with great frustration tried to choose only her favourite things to bring and then had to sort again to the limits of the suit cases. She will be saying goodbye to many of her “aunts and uncles” from the missionary community and striking out into the new unknown.
We are looking forward to being home and having all the family together again but even this will require some adjustment on the part of all as the boys have been used to having the house to themselves for some time now. This will also be the last year with children at home for us as we will be leaving Jessica home next summer when we return to Chad.
In the meantime there will be many adjustments and stressful times as, already on June 4th or so I will be returning to Chad on my own to look after the unloading, distribution and accounting of the goods to arrive in the shipping containers due in on June 7th. This will leave Kathryn with the boys to take care of unpacking and setting up and stocking the house and many other details required when arriving home after several years of absence. Pray for strength for all during the month of June as this will be an especially strenuous time. Pray also that we will be able to locate a suitable vehicle for our home ministry as it will involve much traveling this time. We have tried to do so with the aid of Daniel but are as yet unsure of the outcome. This is not with worry or fret though as we know our God is able to supply all that is needed, we simply ask that you will petition our Father that this will indeed be so. My planned return to Canada is the last week of June but here in Chad, even more than elsewhere, most is subject to change.
Thanks in advance for your prayers. This term has seen many difficult situations but much has been accomplished and we were greatly encouraged by a team from our home church. As with difficult times has also come many answers to prayer and evidence of God at work, building His church. My God keep you and lift you up on His wings. We pray that we will be able to visit with most of you during this coming year.
wishing you God very best,
Paul for the family