Dear family & friends:

Happy Thanksgiving. It is good to be home. We had a wonderful, though short visit in Germany. We were able to visit good friends as well as family and share at a small church group. In Toronto we were welcomed at the airport by church and family members. Our family organised a wonderful get together just days after arriving. It was the first time that many had been together since we left almost 5 years ago. Mom and dad even made it out to the park for a few hours.

The next couple of weeks we spent filling our cupboards and getting a few cloths that were long overdue. We found our house in reasonable condition considering we had been away for almost 5 yrs. It requires a couple of major repairs including a new roof. The boys wrote their G1 driver’s exam… so look out. We also needed to get wheels and the Lord wonderfully supplied a good deal on 99 minivan. This was just in time for us to pack up and get on the road to TEAM’s REAP conference in Illinois for recently returned missionaries. It was a wonderful time of interaction and taking care of transition details. There was a wonderful program for the kids, and they loved connecting with MKs from other mission fields. We also took the opportunity to see some friends who live in the US. By the time we got home though, we were thoroughly worn out. It was just in time to get away for a week of camping with friends. It was so refreshing to stop and spend time together with no agenda, getting caught up, and getting fed from God’s word.

Getting back home we had to get back into full swing. This has been difficult, adjusting to new schedules and responsibilities. Many emails and things to organise, including our medical check-ups that were now overdue and registering Daniel and Jessica into school. This went well with no hassles… so many answers to prayer. They are managing the transition quite well and have made a few new friends. Daniel it quite enjoying the musical opportunities at the school. They have also found several Christians at the school to connect with. Stephen and Kathryn have also begun their studies.

Since returning we managed to purchase several Internet systems for other mission organisations in Chad and had them delivered to the shipper. Once they arrive in Chad I will be returning for a few weeks to set them up. Between now and then I will be available to share our ministry where possible as well as do the needed maintenance on the house. I will also be organizing a shipping container for Print Shop and ordering equipment for it and other Chad ministries. Pray with us as we are trusting God to fill in a shortfall in our ministry funds as well as the need for a reliable vehicle for ministry in Chad. If you want details please feel free to contact us. We praise God for his faithfulness in meeting our needs over the past 4 ½ years. It is with your faithfulness that so much was accomplished for the Kingdom in Chad.

Many thanks,

Paul & Kathryn Weber