Notes from our co-workers

Lorraine Green

Paul can fix most anything: vehicles, houses, plumbing, solar equipment, computers, etc.  Kathy has been our MK teacher.  She also uses biblical texts to teach English as a second language to Chadians, and helps with the guest house ministry at Koutou/Moundou.  Paul and Kathy’s work in a support role serves the whole team and allows their colleagues to stay on task.
I have benefited many times from Paul’s ministry of helps.  He fixed my vehicle several times, repaired my toilet, trimmed trees on my station, and performed numerous other tasks.  I’m glad to have them on our team and hope to see them back in Chad soon.  Thank you for your part in supporting them, and our whole team, in Chad.

Jack Snyder

I represent only one of many ministries that have benefited from the gifts and talents of Paul. As director of the print shop in Koutou I have relied  on Paul’s help many times a week. The print shop prints almost all of the vernacular Christian literature for the Evangelical Church in Chad plus other mission organizations, Paul has been a valuable asset in keeping the computers up and running,
helping with needed remodelling, from construction to electrical including maintenance of the needed generators for electricity and helping repair printing equipment.
Kathy has had to shift gears so to speak and has taken her education as a  school teacher and redirected into teaching English as a second, sometimes a third language for the Chadians, to the near by college students. Using the Bible as her base of teaching  Kathy has an opportunity to reach a variety of people groups throughout Chad with the gospel.
Another important ministry that is often over looked is caring for fellow missionaries and guests that need a break for rest and relaxing. Koutou has a 4 bedroom guest house and is often occupied. Through those that come care for themselves it needs cleaning and supplied on a weekly bases plus regular maintenance. This will be another ministry that both Paul and Kathy will tag team.

Rich Hoyt

Paul and Kathy have been an integral and very valuable part of our team out here in Chad for 13+ years now. More times than I can remember Paul has bailed us out with problems we have had with our vehicles, even completely pulling and rebuilding the engine at one point on our “trusty” Trooper 2 – a vehicle which served us for 15 years in bush ministries while working in church leadership development and teaching/training of pastors and elders in the churches.  Besides his mechanical skills Paul has served us, many other missionaries and the church through these years with technical advice, skills and hands-on help in multiple areas ranging from, to name a few, computers, setting up alternate power systems, and building projects, to facilitating the organization of shipping containers from the US to bring much needed ministry and personal supplies into this country where finding adequate supplies is so often very problematic or hugely expensive. By offering these service to us out here Paul has saved many of us countless precious hours of time and energy (physical and emotional) enabling us to give more undivided time and energy to our diverse ministries of Bible teaching, discipleship, evangelism, medical work and reaching the unreached.
Meanwhile, Kathy has worked faithfully by his side, not only caring for their own home and family, but also offering a quality education through Palmview School to many missionary children.  We were so thankful that our youngest daughter was able to stay in the dorm with great dorm parents and finish her pre high school education in Kathy’s classroom.  We were able to carry on in our bush ministry with peace of mind knowing that our daughter’s social, educational and spiritual needs were being met in preparation for going away to high school the next year. As the number of missionary children in the south of Chad needing a Palmview education dwindled, Kathy turned her heart and teaching skills to another purpose … that of using teaching the English language to Chadians as a means to teach Bible and influence many younger and older people for the Lord, which she did very effectively in the year leading up to their current home assignment.
Paul and Kathy bring a unique set of servant gifts to our Chad ministry area that are invaluable and greatly needed in order to enable and empower the larger missionary team to more effectively serve in the many different areas where we are scattered around the country. We are eager for them to return once again. As our team in Chad is seeking the Lord’s clear leading about where and how we need to continue forging ahead with the gospel in this very needy country we are confidently looking to the Lord with them to continue to use them in ways and places that their gifts are most needed and can make the most difference.  Please pray with us that God will provide their needs and speed them on their way back to our TEAM Chad team.

Janet Murray

Electricity is a rare commodity in Chad.  Most of us in the smaller towns rely on solar power.  Paul helped me get the necessary equipment and set it all up so that I have lights, a frig and use of my computer as much as I need to prepare lessons for leadership training classes among women.  There are generators, but it is expensive to keep them fueled.  And then when they break down….. I am mechanically challenged.
Also, a person can live without a fridge, but it sure is nice to have cold water and not to have to shop every day and to be able to keep left-overs for another day.  When my fridge went on the fritz, Paul was there to get it going again.
Paul’s ministry helps keep our ministries going, helps keep up our morale, and as we look to projects coming up in the near future, we look to Paul’s expertise to bring them to successful and quality completion.
Kathy’s flexibility and creativity have been a real encouragement to me.  She came to the field expecting to teach missionary kids, which she did for a number of years.  But when the number of kids dropped off, she jumped into a new ministry–teaching English–which is a something the Chadians want very much.  The program that she has developed to teach English is also a good way of introducing people to Jesus Christ.  It has been my observation that in whatever Kathy  gets involves, she throws her whole self into it.
Paul and Kathy are precious members of our TEAM Chad family and play an important role the advancement of the kingdom in that country.  We look forward to their return.